Tag Archives: africa

KILI INITIATIVE 2019 # 4 – Loitokitok

Mungo Park – Explorer

European geologists were baffled by the rivers of Africa. They were puzzled by the sources of the Niger and Congo and even thought that the two rivers were one. Expeditions were sent out from the capitols of the empires. Mongo Park was one of those explorers. The Scot had reached the Niger in the end […]

Less Two Moons

The above photo is from the road crossing the Western Sahara. My godson Edward Brial is biking from Paris to Dakar this summer to raise money for the charity Action Against Hunger, broaden awareness about the solar power potential of Western Sahara, and hit the road looking for adventure and whatever comes their way. Originally […]

GW Bush In Africa

Prior to his election in 2000, GW Bush’s single sojourn outside the USA was a tequila tasting trip to Mexico as Texas Governor. A Mescal hang-over and Montezuma’s Revenge taught the future-president a vaulable lesson. “Nothing like leaving America to prove it’s the best place in the world.” During his two terms GW Bush has visited Japan, Korea, Red China, Jordan, Australia, […]