Tag Archives: 9/11


Pattaya isn’t what it used to be in the 90s or 80s. The coconut plantations have been replaced by luxury villas. Interpol and the Thai Police hunt down fugitives and the Russians have taken over the hills, so three summers ago I moved north to Sri Racha with my son Fenway and his mom. The […]

RETURN TO NORMAL by Peter Nolan Smith

Two weeks after the collapse of the Trade Towers the westerly wind shifted and a southern breeze spread the funereal smoke across Lower Manhattan. The poisonous fumes smelled of a blazing cannibal BBQ. Later that afternoon I caught a train north to Boston. My sister put me up in her basement. I watched the Red […]

Barbie Does Boston

Playing with dolls was considered a sin for boys in the 1950s. Anyone caught playing with one was endangered of being labelled a queer and that accusation was impossible to erase from your peers’ permanent record. All that changed when Mattel’s came out with Barbie 1964. The statuesque teen doll possessed Jayne Mansfield’s curves and […]

Easter Sunday Humor Pattaya

Several years ago I spent a quiet night in Donovan’s Sports Bar on 3rd Road. The owner was sitting alone and I decided to join Steve for an Easter cheeseburger. We discussed my upcoming trip to the USA and he said, “It’s been three and half years since I was last in New York.” “Over […]


There is no smoke in the noon day sky. Jets skate the flight path down the Hudson. People around New York go about their business. It’s eleven years since 9/11 changed America by taking away our rights and giving many of us new fears. Not me. I’m only scared of those who fear more than […]