Tag Archives: 1978

Nameless Hippie Girl

This photo symbolized the free-wheeling hippie era. I had long mistakenly supposed the young topless woman so enthralled with the music was at Woodstock, but today I discovered thanks to 2011 Daily Mail report that the flower child had a name. Jennifer Wilson. Her photo had been taken at a music festival in 1978 shortly […]

Flying Phone 1979

Two days ago I had visited Professor Bertell Ollman at Bellevue. He was lively. Happy too. It was good to get out of the house. He remains a swalwart comrade true to the revolution. I left and headed over to catch the M15 downtown. It was fezzing. I had good winter gear. I hadn’t been […]

Journal Entry – January 1, 1978

Death to 1977 Onto a year of 78 RPM. It’s snowing and I’m watching the Broncos beat the Raiders. 20-17. Last night at 27th Street was weird. I hit on Alta. We made up and dry-humped in a dark corner. THe stripper begged off fucking. I accepted her no, got drunk, puked outside, and sobered […]

Rain on East 77 Street – June 1978

Midnight Outside Rain Thunder. Inside the foyer My finger On the buzzer No reply____ Last winter Lisa left To be a model In Europe No letters Since April___ Her face Never on French Vogue Nor Italian Vogue Nor inside any fashion magazine. Gone___ Inside the hallway No one My finger on the buzzer A last […]

May 31, 1978 – East Village – Journal

Everybody was watching Clover at the party. Anthony said that she had told him an older man pays her rent. The Texan oilman visits twice a month. He pays for sex. I had heard Andy Reese the Serendipity crowd say that she was a prostitute. The ballet dancer tricked out of Cowboys on 53rd Street. […]