Category Archives: world

# 7,000,000,000

The population of the world in 1952 was 2.635 billion. My birth in May of that year was lost in the infantile deluge of America’s Baby Boom. I was anonymous to everyone, but my family. Today the population clock hit seven billion and the Philippines declared a baby born at a Manila hospital was baby […]

Where’s Whitey?

The World’s Top Ten Wanted Fugitives took two hits this past month. # 1 Osama Bin laden was erased by an executive order from President Barack Hussein Obama. Two bullets to the head and a burial at sea. Secondly the Balkan War criminal Gen. Ratko Mladic was arrested by black-clad security forces in a small […]

May 21 2011 minus 1

Sex, drugs, rampant homosexuality, godlessness have earned the wrath of God. HE has a heavy hand, but His Son seeks salvation for the righteous and tomorrow the minions of Jesus will rescue the ‘good’ from this Earth. Next stop for the true believers will be heaven, where they will worship the Big G for the […]

Heaven On Earth

The world is coming to an end tomorrow according to the old git who founded Family Radio. His followers are entranced by the prospect of being swept up to heaven by celestial sprites. There they’re spend eternity worshiping their God. On their knees too. As a non-believer I prefer my heaven on earth. It’s fairly […]

Scorpion Day

Last year astronomers downgraded Pluto or as its known by its formal designation 134340 Pluto from a planet to a dwarf planet. Its low mass was a problem, especially since beyond the Solar System larger objects orbit the Sun. Some scientists were not so quick to accept the IAU’s finding against Pluto and its three […]