Category Archives: work


From 2010 to 2011 I worked at a metal shop. We constructed objects from steel, zinc, tin, and bronze. Everything was heavy and the work was hard, but better than being broke, since my old spot on 47th Street was gone. No one was buying diamonds these days and even my old friend and boss […]

SMASHING KNIVES by Peter Nolan Smith

In the Greater Depression the employment opportunities for a man my age were limited in New York City. A younger man would perform the job for a third of the wage, however my absolute willingness to work overcame most obstacles and for the past two months I have labored on the black market at a […]

The Curse Of Sir Grope-A-Lot

This October Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein was out as a sexual predator. Actresses had complained about constant harassment during castings and groping on the sets, however their agents and fellow actors persuaded the victims that a formal accusation was not in their best interests. His behavior went with the territory of the Sunset Strip. Finally […]

Out Of Work

I haven’t had a job since the New Year. I have looked for work without success. Men my age are viewed as refuges from the retirement roles. I have retired many times in my life. I have unretired as many times as well. Yesterday I sought employment on 47th Street. I know diamonds. Everyone was […]

Hard Work

Working in the earth. Work is work. Even underneath the streets.