Category Archives: women

High Ground

12-21-12 is nine days away and doomsday believers hoping to survive the predicted end of days are flocking to Mount Rtanj in Carpathian range, which supposedly has a ‘special energy according to the late Arthur C Clark. A French town in the Pyrenees has also been targeted by cultists and the village authorities of Bugarach […]

ONLY A FEW REGRETS by Peter Nolan Smith

“Regrets I have a few, but not too few to mention.” Frank Sinatra sang in MY WAY. I myself only have regrets about the things I have not done for I can live with those I have done; the good, the bad, and the in-between, however other people are not so self-forgiving. The other day […]

The What Button

A Parisienne friend was at the Doors at the Paris Museum of Modern Art and discovered that someone had added new images to the men and femmes bathrooms. I played ignorant and asked, “What’s the dot over the F line?” Ruth responded immediately, “Seriously? We need to talk. “Is it something mythical? “The on button […]

Baring Their Breasts

In 2009 I traveled to Kiev as part of a trip for a high-tech company seeking to recover money from delinquent clients in the Ukraine and Russia. I stayed at a nice hotel under the bluff and wandered the city for a day before my first meeting. The men of the city were drunken louts […]

Queen For A Day

Back in the late 50s American audience were captivated by the tales of woe told by desperate housewives on the TV show QUEEN FOR A DAY.Each of the three participants had several minutes to recount their hard times to the host Jack Bailey and the winner for the most sorrowful tribulation was decided by the […]