Category Archives: women

CAVE ANATIS by Peter Nolan Smith

I spent the summer of 2008 on Palm Beach care-taking a haunted mansion and a crackhead Airedale for Johnny Zombie. The months of June, July, and August were very off-season, as the ultra-rich fled the fabled island for less muggy climes in France, Italy, and Maine. The house off Ocean Avenue was a big change […]

Phet Mak Som Tam

Thai food served in the USA offers a mild version of the traditional meals offered in Bangkok restaurants. Most farangs order phad thai or fried noodles at Thai restaurants and specify that they don’t want it spicy or phed. I rarely have seen Thais dine on phad thai. Their palette is well accustomed to chili-dosed […]

Shut Your Mouth

The other day Samira Ibrahim was denied her State Department award after the right-wing Zionist Weekly Standard supposedly found anti-Semitic comments on her Twitter account. According to the Weekly Standard Ibrahim has since “refused to apologize” for her tweets, writing on Twitter that the “Zionist lobby in America” is to blame, who was being honored […]

Peace on Women

Last Friday I helped a friend film the UN Women for Peace March. The weather was sloppy snow and the pavement of Dag Hammarskold was wet under foot, but hundreds of women and a few men trudged across 1st Avenue from the UN Building to hear speeches. The first speakers addressed the surge of violence […]

Turned Away Eyes

“For years I have been walking the streets of New York and wondering why women avert their eyes from men. It took me a long time to realize that men have been terrorizing women to such an extent that they fear even visual contact, almost as if a glance is a harbinger of assault or […]