Category Archives: women

Long Lines

Women suffer at public bathrooms. Their clothing restrains a quick entry and exit as much as the fact that most women’s bathroom are designed for two or three stalls at max. I’ve always been astounded by the length of the queues before the lady’s room, but the men’s room isn’t much better when men drink […]

Man Or Beast

The bedroom in my old East Village apartment faced an air-shaft. One summer evening I had to listen to a woman in the throes of pleasure for hours. My hillbilly girlfriend hollered for her to shut up. She was more the quiet type. The same scenario repeated itself night after night. Moving into the living […]

Shemales In Chadors

The Eternal Struggle

“Women are always right and they are never more right then when they are wrong and you try to convince of this.” – Pascha Ray After Sandy I visited my friend Richard Sweet in Brighton Beach. They hadn’t suffered from the huricane floods. I showed up on time, for his Ukrainian wife and he were […]

A SENSE OF LOSS by Peter Nolan Smith

American women are fairly unforgiving about adultery. If their husband cheats on them, they rape him for 50% of everything. American men cry about this loss of material goods, however Thai women react in the extreme to their mate’s infidelity. Back in 2008 I was sitting in a West Palm Beach Thai restaurant with my […]