Category Archives: women

Women On Cash

The never-ending war against racism in America has denuded southern flagpoles of the Confederate battle banner and forced state capitols to store the statues of ancient slavers. Nationally Americans agreed that Andrew Jackson, a die-hard slaver and Indian killer, better not represent the nation’s higher values and the US Treasury decided the replace ‘Old Hickory’ […]

Where Did He Go

Sometimes men do stupid things. Women know how stupid. Men could care less.

Half of NASA’s 2016 Astronaut Class

NASA announced that half of its 2016 class will be women and that the team will be training for a future Mars mission. This is quite an accomplishment, especially considering the state of NASA’s space fleet. NASA no longer has a Space Shuttle And neither does Russia.

Amazons Of Now

There is nothing less than Amazon than a woman texting on a cellphone, unless it’s a man on a cell phone. They are complete zictims i. e.potential zombie victims. But Amazons still do exist these days. Especially if they have a gun in their hand and not a cell phone.

Amazons Of Then

The Amazons supposedly originated from Bronze Age tales of a tribe of women warriors living along the shore of the Euxine Sea or the Black Sea. The Scythians on the Don River called them the Oiorpata. Little else than myth forms their story, although according to Wikipedia reported that the Sarmatians were descendants of Amazons […]