Category Archives: War


On the 11th minute of 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 a permanent ceasefire was called along the Eastern and Western fronts, although troops continued to shoot at each other for several hours after the armistice ended the 4-year global conflict. 11-11-11 occurs once a century. Someone in the armistice […]

A Long Memory

Published Dec 5, 2011 Degenerate Art had been denounced by the Nazis as un-German ie Jewish or Bolshevist. Josef Goebbels, the Reich Minister of Propaganda, organized an exhibition of Entartete Kunst in 1937. The SS acted as curators for the show by confiscating the works of modern artists from museums and private collections. The assembled […]

Pre-Yom Kippur 2024

I am not Jewish, despite having been circumcised at birth at Boston Lying-In. The doctors were Yankees. My birth certificate even denotes my having been mutilated in accordance with the Anglo-Saxon upper class beleiving that boys masturbated less without a foreskin. Idiots. We were told that this barbaric custom was for hygiene. Poof! Religious fanatics […]


Ten years ago the Hassidim were hurrying home from the Diamond District. The High Holidays had come early this year with Sukkor coinciding with the ancient pagan festival of Mabon, which commemorates the autumnal equinox. Sukkor is not only a bridge across the Indus, but the festival honoring the 40 years during which the Hebrews […]

Yet Another 9/11 Hoax

The circumstances surrounding 9/11 has been cloaked by theories of conspiracies and hoaxes. Many people believe that the US government brought down the Twin Towers with the help of the Israeli military or that the planes were drone jets and not commercial liners. Everyone with a half a brain had to question the discovery of […]