Category Archives: War

Transexuals Under Arms

In Late July President Donald Trump tweeted an announcement banning transgender people from serving in the U.S. military. “After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow … Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military.” And he added later, […]

The First Battle Of Chancerllorsville

Target Guam

North Korea’s nuclear strike capacity has improved greatly over the past ten years. In 2006 the Hermit Kingdom announced a successful nuclear explosion. Pacific Rim nations have attempted negotiations with the hardline Communist dictatorship. Kim Il-sung and his youngest son Kim Jong-un have confounded diplomats attempting a negotiated settlement to curtail North Korea’s developing more […]

JETS OVERHEAD by Peter Nolan Smith

Falmouth Foresides was a quiet neighborhood in the 50s. Ships blew their horns leaving Portland Harbor and channel buoys tolled out their passing wake. At night I listened to the Celtics game on a small transistor radio from Japan. I set the volume to almost silence. My older brother was a light sleeper. My mother […]

April 17, 1975 – Bangkok calling Phnom Penh

Forty-two years ago the forces of the Khmer Rouge captured Phnom Penh. Joyous crowds greeted the jungle fighters with the hope of peace. The radio operator of the Royal Cambodian Army in Sihanoukville broadcasted a last message to his compatriot in his capitol. Lieou Phin Oum. “Goodbye sir. See you in Phnom Penh.” The Lieutenant […]