Category Archives: Traditions

SUNDAY QUIETUDE by Peter Nolan Smith

Ten years ago I took a young friend to see the Strokes at Saturday Night Live. The host was Miley Cyrus, the Disney teen sensation. The 19 year-old’s current worth is in the hundreds of millions and SNL’s producer followed the svelte brunette’s every move, as if he had plans for the perennial good girl. […]

Bucky Fuckin’ Dent

Several years ago my friends warned me not to wear this shirt to Yankee Stadium. I ignored their pleas and wore everything I had. I rode to 161st on the D. A Yankee fan from VA told me that I was brave. His wife said I was stupid. We spoke about Bucky Dent. Exiting from […]

Ganden Sky Burial

A mango tree shaded our old house in Sri Racha. Birds roosted on the branches. Our next-door neighbor hated the tree. Its leaves fell into their yard, even though the tree’s spread of shade cooled down both houses. My neighbor only saw the leaves and the other week she called up the electricity office to […]

Friday The 13th

The number 12 symbolizes completeness for numerologists and 13 has a reputation of a prime number steeped with irregularity. Thirteen is further tarnished by being the number of people at the Last Supper of Jesus. The Turks went so far as to ban the number from their language and the Vikings feared that if thirteen […]

Cover Boys of the Taliban

As the Endless War comes to an end in Afghanistan, the Taliban are taking control over large swaths of the mountainous nation. Their troops are primarily comprised of Pathan warriors, whose tribal territory straddles the Afghani-Pakistani border without official delineation. Kandahar is the de facto Pathan capitol, although their fierce loyalty to clan lineage has […]