Category Archives: Traditions

Girls Will Be Boys – 2010

“People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stone.” There are no glass houses in Afghanistan, but there are stonings for a wide variety of social offenses. Adultery is the most common, however woman are under constant threat for such trivial trespasses as leaving the house without a male family member or showing their face or attending […]

Yim Yim Yim Smile Though Your Heart Is Breaking

Different languages have many words for the same thing. Eskimos supposedly have fifteen words for snow. The travel movie AMAZING THAILAND claims the Thais have thirteen words for smile. This statement falls into the realm of urban legend, although the Thais have a smile for every occasion. Happy? Smile. Sad? Smile. Crash car into buffalo? […]

ANDRETTA’S HAT – Video – 169 BAR

Sadly I lost that hat on a plane from Detroit in November 2021. Why Detroit. The Rolling Stones. Paint It Black you Devils

The Roam of Ghosts

My youngest son talks about phee or ghosts. Fenway is not scared of these spirits, but he doesn’t want to go to certain houses on our soi in Sri Racha, since the four-year-old sees birds with voices. His mother thinks that he has the 6th sense. Mam says that she is not frightened by ghosts. […]

Shannon the Easter Bunny

Several Halloweens ago I was sitting in front of Mekong restaurant on Prince Street. It was a warm night. My friends and I watched the parade of costumes. We were having a good time, until a Batman sat next to our lady friend. The Caped Crusader aggressively kissed Jane and then he stole my beer. […]