Category Archives: Traditions

Thai Tattoos Too -2007

Pattaya must be the per capita capitol of farangs with tattoos. Shirtless westerners parade the streets to exhibit the beauty of their body art, despite the collateral damage to the colored flesh from the tropical sun. Most tattoos are eagles, dragons, and declarations of never-ending love to go-go girls festooned with vows of fidelity to […]

Valentine Day’s 10 Commandments of Love in Thailand

Back in 2007 anyone thinking that Valentine’s Day in Thailand was a purely commercial holiday for selling roses without a bouquet and red lingerie for your ‘mia noi’, the Culture Ministry’s declaration of 10 Commandments of Love must have come as a surprise, especially since you can’t find a complete list of the 10 dos […]

New Year’s Resolutions 2015

Every January 1st millions of Americans vow to better their lives and the world. The Top Ten New Year’s resolutions rarely differ from year to year, since few people ever realize these impossible resolutions. Last year I made no resolutions. Not one. At my age I’ve failed enough times to accept my unsuccessful resolution rut […]

BOXING DAY Pattaya 2007

From 2017 Boxing Day in Britain dates back to the Middle Ages. Workers showed up at the manors and estates to receive hand-outs from their English overlords. In those early times the money was placed in a clay pot containing the year’s bonuses and in recent capitalist times the boxclay pot containing the year’s tips […]

Better Late Than Never

Merry Christmas Comrades I’m even capitalizing the C to maintain the spiritual peace of the winter holidays even though the Christians stole the Yulemas from the ancient Druids of Stonehenge. Meán Geimhridh commemorating the shortest day of the year predates the Bronze Age. The original rituals from over five thousand years ago have been lost […]