Category Archives: Thailand


My first trip to the Orient was in 1990. A round-the-world ticket. One destination was Singapore. The Straits city was already undergoing its metamorphosis from a colonial port to a gleaming metropolis of skyscrapers. Raffles had been closed for renovations. I stayed at a cheap Chinese hotel in a decrepit godown. The walls climbed toward […]

Chasing the Dragon by Cops 2009

Drugs are illegal in Thailand. The police have squads of officers scouting the slums, discos, and bars for offenders. Suspects are piss-tested for ‘ice’ and ‘ja-bah’, the two popular speed drugs in the orient. Any trace of purple means a lock-up for months. Actual possession could earn years, but smuggling drugs gets the most time […]

COME ALL YE FAITHFUL by Peter Nolan Smith

Pattaya is not a city known for monogamy. Promises of fidelity last, until you leave the room, because this city on Thailand’s Eastern Seaboard offers temptations by the thousands and those temptations rarely say no. Bar girls, rent boys, ka-toeys, booze, and drugs added up to damnation according to Reverend Joe Stannis of the Holy […]

Yim Yim Yim Smile Though Your Heart Is Breaking

Different languages have many words for the same thing. Eskimos supposedly have fifteen words for snow. The travel movie AMAZING THAILAND claims the Thais have thirteen words for smile. This statement falls into the realm of urban legend, although the Thais have a smile for every occasion. Happy? Smile. Sad? Smile. Crash car into buffalo? […]

Thai New Year’s Traffic Festival

When I was young, the radio listed the national traffic deaths over the most traditional holidays. Being patriotic the America scored the highest fatalities on the 4th of July. New Year’s Eve and St. Patrick’s Day came never close. These announcements were designed to warn the public about the dangers of driving drunk and thanks […]