Category Archives: Sports

THROWING LIKE A GIRL by Peter Nolan Smith

Pinball – Gaslight Inn – Park Slope – 1976

At 3 O’Clock I thought about going to Rockaways The day slipped away Seconds ticked into minutes. 4:16 I catch the B54 One stop later I calculated the time. Four hours Back and forth To and from Rockaway The next stop North Portland I get off Across the avenue Fort Greene Park A green lawn […]

Skateboarding Pattaya 2006

Back in 2006 while living through another hot season in Pattaya, I watched the 2006 Winter Olympics from Torino Italy. After viewing the downhill and fantasized about snow mountains and skiing, then spotted my skateboard. Skateboard, Pattaya Hill, road, downhill on asphalt. I told Angie’s mom about my plan and she frowned, even after I […]

Skateboarding Pattaya 2006

Back in 2006 while living through another hot season in Pattaya, I watched the 2006 Winter Olympics from Torino Italy. After viewing the downhill and fantasized about snow mountains and skiing, then spotted my skateboard. Skateboard, Pattaya Hill, road, downhill on asphalt. I told Angie’s mom about my plan and she frowned, even after I […]

The Death Of Baseball

Three years ago I was invited to a Red Sox-Yankees game at the Rich People Stadium. Our seats were behind home plate and I wanted to show my gratitude to my host and ordered four beers and hot dogs. The bill came to $70. At least the Red Sox won the game, but despite the […]