Category Archives: Sin

72 Whores

The Koran or Qur’an condemns suicide. Paradise or 72 virgins is forbidden the suicide. The legend comes from a single passage in a Hadith. “The smallest reward for the people of Paradise is an abode where there are 80,000 servants and 72 wives.” Wives not virgins, because sex with a virgin is always a trial, […]

Oh Poor Babylon

This month I’ve had a number of opportunities to pass through Times Square. Each time I’m shocked by the gross commercialization of an infamous sex entrepot. Go-Go bars have been replaced by Starbucks. Old movie theaters are shopping malls for uniform fashion and tawdry clip joints have been replaced by mainstream eateries serving GMO food. […]

Hands Off Ramadan

Evil lurked everywhere in 1965 and our 7th Grade Catholic school teacher, Sister Mary Josef, warned her male students in a special assembly that masturbation not only condemned boys to hell, but repeated self-abuse led to hair sprouting from our palms and in the worst case scenario, blindness. “Idle hands are the tools of the […]

No Homos in Iran

Several years ago a Bangkok police commissioner visited Pattaya to officially survey the night life. A Bangkok reporter asked, “What are your views on prostitution in Pattaya?” “Prostituition?” The top copper was wearing sunglasses on Walking Street. “All I see are young people having fun.” His response harvested a chorus of hearty chuckles from longtime Pattaya residents, but nothing […]

Oh You Roue

‎ “The only horrible thing in the world is ennui, Dorian. That is the one sin for which there is no forgiveness.” Lord Henry Wotton explains to a young Dorian Gray in Oscar Wilde’s PORTRAIT OF DORIAN GRAY