Category Archives: Sin

You Bet I Would # 4

Moral Dilemma of Ka-Toeys

Every year international transvestites flock to Pattaya for Miss Tiffany World Beauty Contest. The event was televised on Thai national TV and hosted by the reigning Miss Thailand representative to the Miss Universe contest, something like this would never happen in the States, because Miss America is too much of a square to deal with […]

Unfaithful World Wide

This week the infidelity website Illicit Encounters claimed that Friday 18 November as the day of 2016 your partner is most likely to cheat on you and DUREX, the leading producer of condoms, claimed that Thailand was the most adulterous country in the world. The USA wasn’t even close in the report, although Infidelity Facts […]

Mai Sa Bai for Phuket’s Ka-Toeys

For decades the US Navy exercises shore leave rights at several Thai coastal cities, most infamously. Pattaya on the Gulf of Siam and Phuket on the Indian Ocean. Thousands of sailors and marines embark from their warships to enjoy a holiday of booze and broads. All good harmless fun unless the religious right in America […]

Sin Bin

My friend Emily Armstrong send this list and asked, “Are you a punk?” The video archivist scored a $110. I hit $140. I feel like a good boy.