Category Archives: Sin

Combat Zone Amnesia

In the 60s urban social scientists suggested to Boston officials that the city create an adult entertainment area between the bus station on Boylston Street and Chinatown to contain the wickedness of mankind. The experiment green-lighted prostitution, drag queens, piano bars, go-go bars, rent boys, and pornography along Washington Street and the adjacent blocks. The […]


In the winter of 1995 I was sitting at my desk in the diamond exchange, when Scottie Taylor phoned from LA. “How you doing?” “Great, I’m opening a Milk Bar in Beverly Hills. How’d you like to be the doorman?” The ex-lightweight mentioned the numbers. The salary was on par with what I earned selling […]

Sleaze a la Old Bangkok

Most tourists to Thailand have wandered through Patpong, but the old sex entrepot has been tamed by time, but even twenty years ago other than the sex shows on the second floors there was never too much sleaze of the soi. Mostly straight-forward go-go bars and beer halls with the usual barfine and ‘love you […]

The Demise of Naked Gay Discos in Miami

“How do you like it here?” Bruce Benderson asked in the courtyard of the Palm Beach house which a telecommunications millionaire has entrusted in my care. His East European friends were cooking lunch. Glenn his friend was perusing Anthony Haden-Guest’s book on New York nightlife. Our mutual friend Scottie Taylor featured in several chapter. We […]

Judge Lest You Not Be Judged

In April of 2017 Alabama’s Supreme Justice resigned from the bench after suspension by the state’s other justice for improprieties while in office. Roy Moore accepted their ruling and declared himself a candidate for the US Senate seat vacated by Jeff Sessions who had become # 45’s Attorney General. The GOP hierarchy supported Luther Strange […]