Category Archives: Sin

Come all ye Faithful to Sodom and Gomorrah – 2008

Pattaya is a city not well-known for monogamy. Promises of fidelity last until you leave the short-time room, because this city has temptations by the thousands and those temptations rarely say no. Bar girls, rent boys, ka-toeys, booze, and drugs add up to damnation according to Reverend Joe Stannis of the Holy Revival Church located […]

The Evil Of The Church

In the early 1970s I drove taxi in Boston. Occasionally I received dispatched calls and picked up young girls in a family way. Our destination the diocesan home for wayward girls in Dorchester. These young girls sent to the nuns to be treated as Mary Magdalene, who was never portrayed as a loose woman in […]

The Beauty of Doing Nothing

Today from a European time zone a friend Serge Kruger, famed Paris bon vivant, mused on Facebook, “Luckily I like to do nothing.” Je suis avec lui 100%. According to Wikipedia the English borrowed ennui from French in the 1660s. Ennui came from an Old French word meaning “displeasure.” Ennui was also related to the […]

Train Travel By Night – July 27, 1983 – Paris – Journal

Night time Someplace in America Friday night Travel by night o fun Nothing to see, but Darkness Sometimes passing through small town. The semi-blue TV glow In the living room window Marking the passing houses Upstairs All the children asleep___ Mom and Dad have gone out For dinner, for drinks, with their friends In the […]

THE ITCH by Stephen Hammer

The second title by StephenHammer (John Coleman, Olympia’s leading inspiration and top blurb-writer). The Itch, a tale that predates Indecent Proposal by decades, presents Viney, the husband, Martha, his wife, their many desires, and a millionaire who wanders along and offers them seven figures if they act out those desires in interesting ways. But their […]