Category Archives: Sex

The Popularity of Castration

Back in 2009 Bangkok’s The Nation reported on a growing castration (lopping off the testicles) or gaan dton trend amongst young wannabe ladyboys without funds to finance a complete sexual transformation. The castration operation costs $130US or 4400 baht and in most cases required parental approval. These young boys were convinced that ridding themselves of […]

The Smell of Eucalyptus 1986

In June of 1986 I came back from France to write porno scripts with an old girlfriend strung out on H. North Hollywood, the ground zero of the XXX film industry. Obviously I was not thinking straight, but I had confused lust with love, especially since Sharon was a porno actress skilled at faking orgasms. […]

HoJos Hot

1971 I was hitchhiking out out of Boston to the South Shore after the closing of the bars. I was picked up by a youngish couple, who drove south with the woman between us in the front seat. It was a warm night and the man pulled into a highway HoJos to buy ice cream, […]

Sophie’s Bar Phnom Penh – Songkran 2007

Entry by Ty Spaulding In 1999 Cambodia was at peace. No weapons were seen on the streets, but once off the main avenues the streets were unlit Phnom Penh landmark was located on an unlit side street. Nik and I were looking for Sophia’s a notorious short-time bar. It is not easy to find even […]

Why Men Come To Pattaya – 2012

I received this email from my friend Paul Brissman When girls don’t put out!! This was written by a guy … it’s pretty damn smart. Girls — Please have a sense of humor! I never quite figured out why the sexual urge of men and women differ so much. And I never have figured out […]