Category Archives: semi-fiction

The SS Showboat Mayflower Nantasket

From 2012 A fleet of side wheel steamers plied the waters of Boston harbor in the early part of the 20th Century. The flotilla was reduced to one by a fire in 1919. The Mayflower remained in service until 1948. After its decommission its new owner had the white-hulled ship hauled close to shore several […]


FAMOUS FOR NEVER A STORY OF FAME AND MISFORTUNE BY PETER NOLAN SMITH Rome wasn’t burnt in a day. – James Steele MANGOZEEN BOOKS 2024 In the 1970s city politicians launched countless projects to stem the tide of ‘white flight’. None of the doomed programs achieved their goals and the population of the Lower East […]


< POK A POK The Mayans have always inhabited Meso-America. Western archaeologists dated their presence back 10,000 years ago and their agrarian communities flourished im spurts governed climate swings, as the land was capable of maintaining a gonite population. The culture reached its apex from 250 AD to 900 after which the civilizations of Copan […]

Mad Dogs And Farangs in the Sun

Last week I met Jamie Parker on Soi Chaiyapoon. I hadn’t seen him in ages. He looked ten years younger and said, “Botox. Only cost 5000 baht.” No wrinkles around his eyes and those furrows in his forehead had been smoothed out like 5-star hotel sheets. I was a little jealous. “So now you’re ready […]

Rolling Stones – Shea – October 1989

October 1989 Joey from Bay Ridge, a client at Manny’s diamond store in West 47th Street, repaired elevators.He was as filthy as a coal miner and as greasy as an oil rigger. “Every job was an emergency.” He pulled out a wad of bills with a filthy hand. “I like getting paid in cash.” A […]