Category Archives: semi-fiction

Biloxi Wintah January 1975

A gray Monday morning in Clinton reminiscing on a drive across the USA. Biloxi Wintah January 1975 An hour after sunset we passed through Ocala. Old Bill was the co-pilot. I was at the wheel. The cowboy town looked mean and I drove the speed limit. Florida was a big state at 55. We joined […]

Snow in Spring NYC 2010

JoJo, the security guard at the diamond exchange, was a betting man. He gambled the left-overs from his monthly NYPD pension on baseball, basketball, and football. His losses outweighed his wins. JoJo also wagered on odd parlays and on March 1st in 2010 I said that there wouldn’t be another snowstorm. Two days ago the […]

Opening paragraphs of ALMOST A DEAD MAN

Hamburg 1982 The scurry of claws across the filthy floor startled the woman on the battered chair and she lifted her black stiletto heels in horror. Rats were the least of her problems. Over the phone her lover had suggested a nocturnal rendezvous on Kaiserkai. No one came to Hamburg’s harbor at night. The woman […]

Rain, Sleet, and Snow – North Fork Virginia 2012

Back in 2012 St. Padraic’s Day was blessed with spring weather. The next day Sunday was even warmer, as I traveled south to the Northern Neck of the Potomac to meet with Ms. Carolina. She was not faring well and wanted to see me one last time. Her husband Charles thought it was a good […]

QUEEN OF THE PLAZA March 17 2009

St. Patrick’s Day promised to be another disaster for the Retail Collection of the Plaza Hotel. Hordes of green-clad spectators streamed down the escalator into the basement. Their eyes averted the luxury goods on offer, as their destination was the hotel’s public bathroom. Within the first hour I had given directions to the toilet over […]