Category Archives: sea

Jaws Ha-Ha

Aawut and friends were fishing in the middle of deep sea. After a long day of fishing, Aawut felt like going to swim, so he took off his clothes and get himself ready to dive in the sea. But as he jumped off the boat, he noticed a large shark swimming nearby. With hesitation, Aawut […]

Tora Tora Shark Tora

Last week a teenager tourist was killed by a shark attack in Brazil. The big fish tore apart her left leg and doctors were not able to save the girl, even after amputating her leg. There have been 21 shark attacks in the region since 1991, although the young woman was the first recorded death […]

Yikes Land Shark

This photo from New Jersey appeared on Facebook. It might not be photoshopped, but judging from the height of the doorhandle I calculated that the sandshark is a 2-3 footer cruising the shallow floodwaters. He must be looking for a Micky Ds.

Oak Beach Inn

In the 80s I would get on my Yamaha XS 650CC and drive out of Manhattan to Jones Beach. I’d avoid the gathering of sun-worshippers at the East Bathhouse and rode past the sand dunes bordering Ocean Parkway past West Gilgo and Cedar Beach to the Oak Beach Inn located across the inlet from the […]

Dead Fish Auction

In the winter of 1969 a foul storm blew an unknown sea creature onto Duxbury Beach south of Boston. The WBZ radio announcer reported it to be a ‘sea monster’. My brother, sister, and I jumped into our VW and drove through a hard rain to a forlorn stretch of beach. A crowd was gathered […]