Category Archives: RIP

Isaac Hayes RIP

Isaac Hayes debut into mainstream America with his hit SHAFT, the title track from Gordon Park’s film about a bad black man doing good. As a teenager he beat Nat King Cole in a talent contest and went on to perform for Stax record as well as write SOUL MAN. the Black Moses parlayed his […]

Solzhenitsyn RIP

Solzhenitsyn’s A DAY IN THE LIFE OF IVAN DENISOVICH introduced the Soviet gulag to the world. Stalin had been dead 7 years. if Koba had been alive, neither the book nor the author would exist today. Luckily Beria killed his stricken boss and the great writer was exiled to Vermont with his 2nd wife and her 11 year-old […]

Arthur Weinstein RIP

In June 1966 Truman Capote invited 500 people to a soiree at the Plaza Hotel. This event has come to be known as ‘the party of the century’. I was 14 at the time. Truman never sent me an invitation, but by the time I arrived in New York the city’s nightlife was no longer […]

George Carlin RIP Seven Dirty Words

The following is a verbatim transcript of “Filthy Words” (the George Carlin monologue at issue in the Supreme Court case of FCC v. Pacifica Foundation) prepared by the Federal Communications Commission: Aruba-du, ruba-tu, ruba-tu. I was thinking about the curse words and the swear words, the cuss words and the words that you can’t say, […]

Bo Diddley RIP

“Is that one or three Ds?” I put in an extra L, but I’m sure that Bo Diddley, born Otha Ellas Bates ( no relations to the Bates of PYSCHO fame ) would forgive my misspelling, after all he rode one rift into history. WHO DO YOU LOVE, MONA, ROAD RUNNER et al are based […]