Category Archives: RIP

RIP Steve Jobs / 1950 Something – Now

Steve Jobs came out with a box-ready computer and changed the world. His public adored how he touched their lives. The outpouring has been extraordinary, but Sam Royalle of Pattaya had a good question to pose the people at Apple. “Has anybody at Apple checked if Steve Jobs isn’t on Airplane Mode?”

Facundo Cabral RIP

This Argentinean peace troubadour was assassinated after a concert in Quetzaltenango on an empty road to the airport. The intended target was the promoter according to the Guatemalan police. The blind singer was hit eight times in the ambush. A man of peace. “I am not from here. I am not from anywhere.”

The Death of the Jet Set

Jet set legend Gunter Sachs introduced himself the French icon Brigitte Bardot by bombing her St. Tropez vila with a hundred roses from his helicopter. The floral gesture led to the star’s 3rd marriage. He lived a great life and decided to end it all when his facilities failed his body. A true playboy. No […]

Is It Really Him

This photo was not leaked from Wikipedia. A dead man tells no lies, but did the SEALs find the dialysis machine?


Open City Magazine issued its first edition in 1991. The editors promoted known and unknown writers. Adrian Dannett and Joanna Yaz ( see foto ) published my short story WHY I MISS JUNKIES in 2002 as well as several other pieces of my semi-fiction. OPEN CITY MAGAZINE will be missed by its readers and contributors, […]