Category Archives: revolution

EM’s DOGE Origins

Doge as an acronym comes from ‘doge’ as in the Doge of Venice title of the chief magistrate of Venice and Genoa. The word is derived from the Latin word dux, which means “leader. Mussolini adapted the word to ‘el Duce’. This unelected non-American is not our leader. He is not even 100% male. Presently […]

The Genius Of Bertell Ollman

I’ve just gotten a job cataloguing the 10,0000-volume library of Professor Bertell Ollman, renowned Marxist scholar. The eighty-nine old has just retired from NYU. His loving son, Raoul Ollman has asked me to going through the books. I’m adapting the Evelyn Woods method of speed reading to the task. Search each book for a meaningful […]

Martin Luther King Lives

Martin Luther King was a man of non-violence. He led his people to greater freedom. MLK showed others the righteousness of his beliefs. His words ring as true today as back at the time of his death. We Have A Dream. To hear Martin Luther King’s Speech I HAVE A DREAM, please go to the […]

I’ve Been To The Mountaintop

On April 3, 1968 Martin Luther King Jr. spoke at the Mason Temple in Memphis, Tennessee mostly about the ongoing Memphis Sanitation Strike. At the end of his call for unity, economic actions, boycotts, and nonviolent protest, the Man of Peace discussed the possibility of an untimely death. Like anybody, I would like to live […]

We Are Coming For Your Children

P>A poem A poem Revolution To save us all We are us___ We are the roads We are the cities The towns The villages The nowheres We are the World We are the beyond___ We are a movement We are the young The old The middle the beyond and more We are us___ We vote […]