Category Archives: religion

The Sacrifice of Lent 2009

Lent is the six-week period of Catholic fasting from Ash Wednesday to Easter, allowing the faithful the chance to atone for the previous year’s sins by mirroring the span of time the Messiah spend in the desert before He succumbed to the temptations not of Satan, but his own mortal flesh. While I’m a full-blown […]

All Souls Day

My older brother and I were altar boys in the early 1960s Pre-Vatican II. We were taught to say the Mass in Latin by the diocesan priest assigned to the local church on the edge of the Blue Hills south of Boston. We understood nothing other mea culpa mea culpa mea maxima culpa or ‘forgive […]

A Day Of No Atonement

Yom Kippur has long been the holiest holiday for Jews around the world. The period of fasting lasts twenty-five hours and eating and drinking, anointing the body with moisturizer or oil, bathing, sexual relations, and wearing leather shoes number the prime rules for atonement for the year’s sins, however Israeli will never atone for the […]

Jesus Everywhere Even Paris

According to the Baltimore Cathecism of my youth, God is omnipotent, all-knowing, and omnipresent, so that Christians seek to see their God everywhere, as happened in the Dionysius tableau on the Paris bridge for the Olympics Spectacle. They saw blasphemy, instead of recognize the Last Supper as miracle, although they see Jesus everywhere. Believers in […]

Dinner With Lazurus

According to John 12:1 six days before Passover Jesus visited Lazarus, whom he had risen from the grave the previous year. Dinner was served by Lazurus’ sister, Martha. His last miracle. “Silami?” Aramaic for ‘how are you doing?’ must have been his Resurrectionist’s greeting. “Better than being dead or in Beersheba,” Lazarus have joked. “Anidanidi […]