Category Archives: religion

The Great Disappointment – Pattaya

For puritanical Christians early 19th Century America was a cesspool of sin and Satan threatened the souls of the White Race through race mixing, while women’s demand for equality attacked the eternal domination of men over the weaker sex. Children lost their religion and the United States was driven not by godliness, but Mammon the […]

VOW OF SILENCE by Peter Nolan Smith

Almost everyone in the world has a phone. Cellular service instantly connects New York with Antarctica or Greenland. I call my son Fenway’s mom and Mam will pick up in Thailand. Every minute millions of cellular calls and SMS messages crisscross the globe searching billions of destinations. We are so close, yet so far away […]

JONATHAN EDWARDS – The Justice of God in the Damnation of Sinners

Throughout Christianity’s existence as a religion worshipping a mythical deity, any beliefs outside the norm were considered heresy and their followers tormented by True Believers. Puritans and various other Christian sects fled Europe to escape the persecution of state religions; Catholic and Protestant. None sought refuge in the Land of their Savior, although the Ottoman […]

Cotton Mather’s Last Words

On his death bed the famed Puritan preacher Cotton Mathers said his last words, “. “Is this dying? Is this all? Is this all I feared, when I prayed against a hard death? O! I can bear this! I can bear it! I can bear it!” As his wife wiped his eyes, he concluded, “I […]

Mukhannath Alone

Last week while waiting for the B54 bus at JayStreet-Metro Tech I spotted a figure in a chador crossing the plaza. Not an usual sight in Brooklyn with its sizable Muslim community, however this person’s gait was unusual for a woman and I realized that they were trans-gender. They weren’t wearing a veil and their […]