Category Archives: religion

Sie Gesund The Mohel

Two days ago Philip L. Sherman, New York City’s most prominent mohel, passed away after performing over 27,000 circumcisions over forty-five years. A truly holy man, this mohel had time to play music and ride motorcycles between his busy schedule of B’rit milahs, an average of three daily. “My record is eleven in one day […]

Unschlocking the Schlong

WRITTEN 6/26/12 German courts have banned circumcision of older boys on the grounds that the traditional cutting off of the male foreskin causes the child bodily harm. In babies the healing process takes up to 10 days, but for older boys the scar will remain for months. Jews and Muslims angrily protested such a judgment […]

Drone Bomb Baptists

Written March 31, 2015 The German city of Koln was bombed 261 times by the Allied air forces. The first thousand-bomber raid was struck against the Rhine city on 1942. The last attack was by a B-25 in March of 1945. The Allies swore that they were not targeting the ancient cathedral next to the […]

Burning in Hell

Written 8/22/2009 In 1842 William Miller announced the imminent end of the world. October 22, 1844 was the date selected by his follower by Samuel S. Snow. His congregation prepared for the coming of Christ for two years. The day came and went without Jesus appearing with his host of angels. The date was thereafter […]

The Great Disappointment

Written December 12, 2012 This world was a cesspool of sin for Christians in the early 19th Century, as Satan threatened the souls of the White Race through race miscegenation and women’s demands for equality were an attack on the eternal domination of men over the weaker sex. The United States was losing its religion […]