Category Archives: religion

Burning In Hell

2016 From David Henderson: The most coherent explanation for global warming I have ever heard. Courtesy of Mr Peter Nolan Smith “People have abandoned the Bible and now are going to hell in record numbers. Every year millions of American sinners are condemned to a blazing eternity. Most of these sinners are fat from eating […]

The Immaculate Conception of The Blessed Virgin Mary

In the Second Century CE the mother of Mary debuted into Christian belief in the Gospel Of St. James. The tale of her conception without sex was cobbled together in the Gospel of James from Greek myths and an Old Testament fable Samuel’s mother giving birthing without enduring penetration by her infertile husband, Joachim. The […]

November 27, 1978 – East Village – Journal Entry

for us all. Two weeks ago Bill Yusk fronted me an ounce of hashish. I’ve yet to sell any of it. I can’t even be a drug dealer and worse I’ve smoke a quarter ounce. Ann brought home Sherry. I have slowly acquire a taste for the British liquor, although sherry tastes too much like […]

9/11 Plus 6

Bring me the head of Osama Bin Laden! The Pentagon increased the reward for OBL to $50,000,000 tax-free Dead or Alive. No takers. The al-Quada mastermind responded to this ante with video inviting the West to embrace Islam or else. Faced with those two options I regretfully have to inform the world’s most wanted fugitive […]

Bound to Burn at the Stake

Written April 22, 2009 My Argentinean friend, Dampira, send a Facebook survey of what Biblical character she would be. The website search engine decided Deborah, a prophetess of the Old Testament. My apostasy forced a rude reaction. “Better you were Mary Magdalene. A fucking whore.” Dampira was taken aback at my vehemence and I explained […]