Category Archives: religion

Happy Good Friday

For Catholics around the world Ash Wednesday kicked off the Easter Season. Forty days of abstinence from a favorite pleasure was a token of sacrifice for the crucified Messiah. On Palm Sunday the faithful brandished palm fronds to celebrate the Son of God entering Jerusalem. Each and every Good Friday of my childhood the priests […]

Maundy Thursday

In 1977 I lived in Park Slope with James Spicer. The silver-haired jazz impressario representing several jazz stars only charged me $120 for a room in the spacious townhouse. We drank up the street at the Gaslight Pub. James thrived on the streetwise clientele and I sparred with a Frenchman for pinball supremacy. Michel the […]

Dinner For Thirteen

The Synoptic Gospels recount Jesus Christ’s Palm Sunday entry into Jerusalem on a donkey. Seven days later the preacher had been betrayed by Judas, arrested by the authorities, tried by the Romans, crucified on the order of Pontius Pilate, buried in a cave, and rose from a deathlike coma a week later. Over the centuries […]

Dinner With Lazurus

According to John 12:1 six days before Passover Jesus visited Lazarus, whom he had risen from the grave the previous year. Dinner was served by Lazurus’ sister, Martha. His last miracle. “Silami?” Aramaic for ‘how are you doing?’ must have been his Resurrectionist’s greeting. “Better than being dead or in Beersheba,” Lazarus have joked. “Anidanidi […]

Burn Bible Burn 2011

The sun never set on the British Empire in the 19th Century. Queen Victoria was its supreme leader. Britannia ruled the waves and her army brought order to the savage lands of Africa and Asia. The native were expected to reward their Christina overlords with natural resources and human labor. India was the crown jewel […]