Category Archives: race

XXX Break-In

Eugene, Oregon police solved a series of break-ins with the arrest of an Antone Forrest Deedward Owens, who confessed the detectives that he was addicted to online pornography and burgled the houses to watch sex on the victims’ computer, while the residents were in bed. He repeated his crime in the same house several times. […]

The Amazing Shrinking Palestine

Last week an octogenarian Wall Street retiree financed an ad campaign on New York suburban train platforms showing the shrinkage of Palestine. According to the official British Survey of Mandate Palestine, issued in 1945, private ownership of land by non-Jewish Palestinians encompassed 24 million dunams (approximately 90% of Mandate Palestine), while Jewish land ownership was […]

Dark Chocolate City

The funk group Parliament released CHOCOLATE CITY in 1975 to celebrate the racial minority becoming the majority in major cities across America such as Washington, D.C., Newark, New Jersey, Gary, Indiana, Los Angeles, California, Atlanta, Georgia, and New York, New York. In recent years their majority has been challenged not a whites will rise again […]

Blacks For Romney

Barack Obama scored 96% of the African-American vote in 2008. His current challenger’s religion has preached that the only blacks in heaven will be god-fearing slaves. Romney’s aides have written off any effort to recruit one of the most solid bases of the Democrats, although one young John Jay student of law has formed the […]

Freedom Of No Speech

The 1948 UN Declaration of Human Rights sought to guarantee that “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers” The First Amendment to the US Constitution protects Freedom […]