Category Archives: race

Martin Luther King Lives

Martin Luther King was a man of non-violence. He led his people to greater freedom. MLK showed others the righteousness of his beliefs. His words ring as true today as back at the time of his death. We Have A Dream. To hear Martin Luther King’s Speech I HAVE A DREAM, please go to the […]

Say it loud, I’m black and I’m proud – 2010

Say it loud, I’m black and I’m proud. James Brown sang those words to the entire nation. Even the KKK heard, but back in the 1960s not everyone was listening to the singer of PLEASE PLEASE ME, since black music was broadcasted on the far ends of the AM radio spectrum. In Boston at night […]

THE DUKE OF ROCK by Peter Nolan Smith

2012 Back in the 80s and 90s Tompkins Square Park in the East Village had several basketball courts. Full-court games were played next to the handball courts closest to Avenue B and East 10th Street. Half-court games was located against the fences of the asphalt baseball field on Avenue A. Players were split between neighborhood […]

White Men Redux

The 15th Amendment to the Constitution guaranteed the civil equality to black ex-slaves and the GOP has promised to honor their privilege, but the Republicans remain true to the immortal words of Nixon’s Secretary of Agriculture, who explained why the party of Lincoln was short on blacks. “I’ll tell you what the coloreds want. It’s […]

Billion Dollar Man

Published on 5/2/2010 I don’t own a television. My laptop provided most of the programming necessary for entertainment, although the online screen resembles that of an airline economy-class movie presentation. The only gap on my computer has been sporting events and I fill that absence by heading down to Frank’s Bar on Fulton Avenue. Last […]