Category Archives: politics

Gay Porn Is Bad

Rick Santorum did not actually say that he saw ‘eye to eye’ with the Taliban, however he has been outspoken on pornography on many occasions and his website featured the following view on the subject; “America is suffering a pandemic of harm from pornography. A wealth of research is now available demonstrating that pornography causes […]

RFK in 2020

Now more than ever. To hear the next president of the USA speak, please go to this URL

We Miss You Bobby

In the summer of 1966 I was standing with my father at the Lower Mills station outside of Boston. We were headed to work. A Mattapan-bound trolley stopped to let off a crowd. My father and I were mystified by the hubbub, until the trolley pulled away from the platform and we spotted Robert F. […]


Back in 2012 the BBC reported that former Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi held a bunga-bunga party featuring strippers in nun uniforms for his guest. Each dancer was paid $2000 for her performance plus tips. This information came to light during the testimony of a dancer. One of her compatriots was rewarded with the post of […]

Honest To Goodness Patriot

“I didn’t vote for him but he’s my president, and I hope he does a good job.” John Wayne – On John F. Kennedy’s election Disgruntled GOP voters should learn from that as well as Democrats. We are one. e pluribus unum. Latin for ‘out of many one’. ps Donald Trump has never been my […]