Category Archives: politics

JFK on the March to Washington

Written August 13, 2013 Two years ago the BBC News reported that JFK had attempted to block the 1963 March on Washington for fear of violence and painted a picture of a president apathetic to the plight of blacks in America, however the article ignored to mention the Justice Department descending on Birmingham after the […]

Not on Fifth Avenue

Two weeks before the 2016 Iowa Caucuses Donald Trump regaled the crowd by saying, “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK? It’s, like, incredible.” Since the January 6, 2020 MAGA insurrection and his ouster from the White House the leader of the GOP […]

Guilty As Charged

Two days ago a New York City jury of six men and three women found Donald Trump guilty of sexually abusing E. Jean Carroll as well as publicly defaming her character. He was absolved of rape and assault by the jury. The GOP 2024 presidential candidate was not assigned any jail time, as this was […]

Orange Man Cometh to New York

While several presidents have been executed by the shadow powers; Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Harding, and JFK, none of been arrested for criminal behavior until today when Donald Trump will be arraigned in New York City for having his Michael Cohen pay $130,000 to Stormy Daniels, an adult-entertainment actress, to quash her outing their 2006 one-night […]

GOP Failure Election 2022

On Aug. 8, 1925 tens of thousands of white-robed KKK marched down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington to exhobit their strength. Almost a hundred years later on January 6, 2021 thousands of right-wing fascists heeded Trump’s call to violently storm the Capitol Building and prevent Joe Biden’s from becoming president and since that insurrection the Fascists […]