Category Archives: politics

Jill St. John

Written Sep 28, 2016 Jill St. John went out with Henry Kissinger. A short Jewish man with a paunch. A war criminal responsible for the deaths of millions in South East Asia. She must have seen something else in Kissinger, who once said, “Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.” And someone as evil as Kissinger would […]

Hillary With Her Friends

Written May 13, 2016 Barry Goldwater 1995. She had campaigned for him in 1964. With the war criminal Henry Kissinger. Her old buddy GW. At Donald Trump’s wedding. ps check out bill hand on Mrs. Trump’s hip.

Last Shot of WWI

Last night in Charlotte NC Barack Obama spoke about ending the war in Iraq. Our troops left that country in Dec 2011, but the USA maintains a large presence in Afghanistan. Only yesterday two soldiers were killed there. The president vowed to bring our troops home by 2014. VP Biden ended his speech with a […]


Last week the Justice Department rescinded the plea bargain deal with Hunter Biden. his crime was lying about drug use while purchasing a 9mm. His girlfriend had thrown out the weapon supposedly fearing that he might harm himself. Someone traced it back to The President’s son. I am guilty of drug use, but only in […]

The Paperboy No Cometh No More

Written Sep 13, 2011 I have read the New York Times for many years. Editors, critics, and reporters come and go, but the newspaper has held onto the best writers for the simple reason that they help circulation. Among that upper echelon is op-ed commentator Paul Krugman. The 2008 Nobel Prize winner has exhibited an […]