Category Archives: politics

Trump Speaketh Before His Minions

Last evening Mr. Trump addressed to the joint houses of Congress. The 45th President of the USA was greeted by applause from both sides of the aisle, as he made his way to the podium. Representatives and Senators stood his hand and upon his standing before the microphone his GOP minions burst into a celebratory […]

Big Bear

Mikhail Gorbachev The USA and the USSR waged a Cold War across the world. America and her proxy nations fought wars in Korea and Viet-Nam. Countless conflicts burned on every continent and in the air as well as on the sea. Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev stated at a reception at the Polish embassy in Moscow […]

Melania Trump So Pretty

These days Donald Trump looks like a happy man. His election victory was a triumph of the Electoral College over the popular vote. His 45.9% total versus Hillary’s 48.0% of 57% percent of the possible voting public. Over 24% of the 43% of the unvoting public are excluded from the ballot polls by suppressive measures […]

Back To His Roots

Donald Trump airlifted his hit show to Tampa, Florida, where thousands of MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN supporters greeted. They cheered his speech. They cheered to Melania recite the Lord’s Prayer, despite rumors of her being a Muslim, and left the rally resolved to never surrender the truth of Trumpish. The last gasp of White America […]

A Drunk Eminence Grise

The term Eminence Grise originally referred to François Leclerc du Tremblay, Cardinal Richeleau’s righthand man, who wore an austere grey robe whilst performing his duties far from the limelight. Famously Dick Cheney acted as GW Bush’s éminence grise instructing the president on national security and foreign policy and the little known Dick Ross advised Reagan, […]