Category Archives: politics

Judge Lest You Not Be Judged

In April of 2017 Alabama’s Supreme Justice resigned from the bench after suspension by the state’s other justice for improprieties while in office. Roy Moore accepted their ruling and declared himself a candidate for the US Senate seat vacated by Jeff Sessions who had become # 45’s Attorney General. The GOP hierarchy supported Luther Strange […]

Big Balls of Long John Silver

The 1991 Supreme Court Nomination hearing for Clarence Thomas was controversialized by the accusations of sexual harassment by a law professor, Anita Hill. She testified before the Senate committee that the appointee had repeatedly asked her out of a date, spoken about porno films in graphic detail, and declared his penis was the same length […]

YOU BET I WOULD by Peter Nolan Smith

During our 2009 trip through the American Midlands filming Barry Flanagan statues Brock Dundee and I detoured from our route to meet Colonel Rockford Ret. in Iowa City. The three of us began the evening at a sports bar. The bartender had just returned from his third tour in Iraq. We toasted his return with […]

President Fatso

# 45 XXXXXL won the 2016 Electoral College, because at people i America decided that they wanted one of their own in the Oval Office. I recently mentioned my theory to my older brother, who replied that fat comments were not appropriate. “I’m more than chubby.” “But you’re skinny in comparison to Trump.” “Agreed. Maybe […]

Defeat Of Humanity In Montana

I like Montana. Evel Knievel came from Anaconda. The speed limit was once ‘whatever is reasonable and proper. Bars give drinkers ‘take-away’ cups. Chico Springs is one of my favorite places in the world. Ms. Carolina liked drinking there. She sat well on a horse. Unlike me. But I extensively searched the Internet for a […]