Category Archives: photo-romans

Lhasa-Nepal 1995

I spent September-October 1995 in Tibet. I traveled around Lhasa visiting various monasteries. I prayed at each one for my baby brother’s departed soul. Michael had died of AIDS that summer. I especially liked the Jokhang. There was no place holier on Earth. Michael would have liked it. He was spiritual in many ways and […]

THE RULE OF MR. KLAUS by Peter Nolan Smith / Anthony Scibelli

In the early 70s the Twin Towers rose over Lower Manhattan with the promise of a bright future, but by 1975 New York City was declared bankrupt and seven million people lived on the edge of anarchy. The project’s landfill created a desolation along the Hudson. The wind curled around the Twin Towers to blow […]

Perpignan 1982

In the summer of 1982 my college friend Nick Napoli came to Paris. Walter D was DJ for the Rex Club’s final 24-hour marathon of new wave and ethnic bands featuring Toure Kunda and Virgin Prunes. We weren’t straight for any of those hours. The club’s manager Olivier had a family beach home on the […]

Lijiang 1995

In the summer of 1995 my baby brother, Michael Charles Smith, passed from this world and I voyaged around the world to pray at the holiest temples and shrines in Asia. I stayed briefly in LA, Honolulu, Bangkok, and Chiang Mai. In September I flew north to Kumming and after a few days in that […]

GARRISON JUNCTION by Peter Nolan Smith

In the late summer of 1972 my college friend and I hitchhiked across across Montana. The interstate was under construction. Ptrov and I got stranded in Garrison Junction for a good reason. Twenty miles farther south was the Montana State Prison. A sign warned motorists about escaped convicts. No one was taking a chance on […]