Category Archives: photo-romans

Liberte A La France

Back in 1984 French students in Paris rebelled against the education edicts of President Mitterand’s socialist government. The protestors emptied the Sorbonne and took control of St. Germain. The police called on the CRS, the fascist SWAT squads, to deal with the manifestations blocking the Left Bank’s most traveled boulevard. Students anticipated an afternoon attack, […]

Summer’s Almost Gone

Published on: Sep 20, 2015 On Saturday I stood outside the Fort Greene Observatory. The sun was strong and the remained summery. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky and I checked the time on the bank tower at Atlantic Terminal. It was 4 PM. Riis Park was an hour away by train and I […]

ROADS OF THE FLYOVER Part 3 by Peter Nolan Smith

Threatening clouds roiled over the Iowa cornfields. Monstrous flashes strobed through the thunderheads. The still air was charged with electricity. “Have you ever seen a tornado?” Brock asked with his video recorder out the window. “Only in WIZARD OF OZ.” Twisters killed people and I stepped on the gas. Brock studied the map. We hadn’t […]

REST STOP by P. Nolan Smith

On Saturday I traveled north from New York on a Chinese bus. Greyhound really. They charge $25. 7am departure. I fell asleep on the Williamsburg Bridge and woke in the Storrs Hills on Connecticut The driver was pulling into Burger King. “Ten minutes.” I walked inside. Mickie D’s rival was offering a breakfast burrito. I […]

THE PRETTIEST GIRL IN MAINE by Peter Nolan Smith on Kindle

In the winter of 1991 a British friend and I drove north from a snowless New York to find winter. Our trip took us through New England to the end of US 1 at Fort Kent, Maine. The river was frozen solid and the snow was chest deep. I wanted to forge on to Canada, […]