Category Archives: photo-romans

Lhasa-Nepal 1995

I spent early September- late October of 1995 in Tibet. I traveled around Lhasa visiting various monasteries. Sera, Drepung, Ganden and the Tsurphu Monastery, home to the Karmapa rinoche. I prayed at each one for my baby brother’s departed soul. Michael had died of AIDS that summer. I especially liked the Jokhang. There was no […]


Scientists first warned the world about global warming with an 1975 article published in SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. ‘Inadvertent climate modification’ sounded like gobbledygook to the common man, who was more terrified by the possibility of a ‘nuclear winter’ produced by an atomic bomb exchange between the USA and USSR. American oil producers pooh-bayed the National Academy […]

Batten Kill Railroad – 2020

Dec 28, 2020 Greenwich, New York is a small village north of Troy. The farming community lays atop a ridge east the the Hudson River and the traffic along Route 29 consists mostly logging trucks and pick-ups. A rebel flag hung for the house next to the fire station. This was Trump Country, even though […]

New Year’s Traffic Death Festival 2019

From 2019 The Thai Festival for the end of 2018 has come to an end. The police are are overwhelmed by the traffic, as milliions of Thais travel to the distant provinces to see their families. The holiday death toll reached over 400 with countless thousands injured in car and motorcycle accidents. Driving drunk is […]


December 1985 Vonelli the Floridian art dealer invited Lizzie and me to celebrate Christmas on the Isle of Wight. I told her about the trip in a Bastille cafe. THe singer and I had been having an affair for the past month. Neither of us pretended that we were serious about our time together. Nobody […]