Category Archives: philosophy

America: The Grim Truth / Late Breaking News 2010

Posted in Truth by lancefreeman76 on April 5, 2010 Americans, I have some bad news for you: You have the worst quality of life in the developed world – by a wide margin. If you had any idea of how people really lived in Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and many parts of […]


Day 1… Get naked and smoke. Day 2… Ask a neighbor if they find it funny that every man in the neighborhood has a penis. Day 3… Flash someone. Day 4… Get your hair done. Day 5….Go to a porn theater (or rent a porno movie) Day 6… Whenever you hear someone say “shit” tell […]

Do Be Do Be Do

“To be is to do”-Socrates “To do is to be”-Sartre “Do Be Do Be Do”-Sinatra “Yaba Daba Doo!”-Fred Flintstone

Men Versus Women The Eternal Struggle

?Women are always right and they are never more right then when they are wrong and you try to convince of this.” James Steele Women are different animals from men as proven by this mail from Brian LeBouef featuring a short story exercise written by a male and female student at the U of Phoenix. […]

Dead Dreams

Most people think that it is impossible to dream about your death. Common myth upholds to dream of your death would cause your own death, however according to experts most dreams of death symbolize a renewal of life or a change in the path of your destiny. Freudians regard all dreams interpreting the two basic […]