Category Archives: peace

11-11-1918 – The Last One To GO

Tomorrow I will toast the millions of sad sacrifices of men to imperialism. I also thanked the stars that I’ve never had to fire a shot in anger.< The truce between the Axis and Allies was signed at 5am, but ceasefire didn’t take effect, until the 11th second of the 11th minute of the 11th […]


On November 11, 2011 I accompanied the British and the American ambassadors to the US military cemetery outside Luxembourg City. Luxembourg was a small duchy. I looked out the window of the Jaguar, as we exited from the city. The morning sun struggled to break through the low fog. It would have little success on […]


On the 11th minute of 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 a permanent ceasefire was called along the Eastern and Western fronts, although troops continued to shoot at each other for several hours after the armistice ended the 4-year global conflict. 11-11-11 occurs once a century. Someone in the armistice […]

Journal Entry – Poetry – November 11, 1978 – East Village

Kenya, the River Platte, Flanders Vienna, Istanbul, Berlin Versus Moscow, London, and Paris 1914 to 1918 An assassination in Sarajevo to the Treaty of Versailles World War I Machine guns, trenches, blood Airplanes, Zeppelins, blood Gas, barbed wire, blood Death in a thousand fields Verdun Gallipoli Tannenburg Emperors’ armies Nations’ will Men’s blood Victory and […]


The Great War of 1914-1918 ended on the 11th minute of the 11th hour or the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918. My grandfather and grandmother were in France, serving as doctor and nurse with the Royal Canadian Medical Expedition. They returned to Maine with German helmets, bayonets, zeppelin debris, and medals as […]