Category Archives: Pattaya

Venus Versus Mars

I was a UFO movie fanatic as kid. My friends and I thought that the Martians were ugly, but the invaders from Venus would be tall blondes in bikinis. We much preferred Venus to Mars. It was the planet of love and over the years I became a Star Trek devotee. All the series were […]

PURE AS THE RAIN by Peter Nolan Smith

Fuck the seventy-seven virgins, give me Pattaya – Pascha Ray One night in August the monsoon was having its way with the Eastern Seaboard. Sleets of rain slashed through the few remaining palms on the back street between Soi Bukhao and 3rd Road. The Happy Lodge inn served as a refuge from the crowds of […]

Winchester Gun Club – Jomtien -2007

For the last months of 2007 the facade of the old Beggar’s Arms in Jomtien had been undergoing renovation. The venerable Jomtien institution had been closed for the better part of a year. Someone had dropped money into resurrecting the short-time bar under the guise of the Winchester Club on Soi Wat Boon. I used […]

Like Father Like Son 2008

Fenway took a fall in the bathroom. Lots of blood. 8 stitches. No longer perfect. Everyone says his mother beat him. Mam would never touch him. Me maybe, but like father like son. My black eye is from a street fight in Pattaya. “It was a good fight, ma, but I lost.” In fact I […]

Square S&M / The Castle – Pattaya

Several years back the Castle opened for business across from the Buffalo Bar on Pattaya’s 3rd Road. The dress code was black. I was more interested in drinking beer and sat at the bar, but the Buffalo’s bar girls watched young women exit from the S and M bar at the end of the night […]