Category Archives: NEW YORK

The William Burroughs Museum

Yesterday lame-duck mayor proposed plans for the long barren tract south of Delancey Street. Bloomberg envisioned over 1000 multi-class housing units, office space, a refurnished Essex Market, a cineplex, and New York City’s very own Andy Warhol Museum. The tenements along the broad thoroughfare to the Williamsburg Bridge had been demolished by city planners in […]

Victoria Selbach Show


A DAY LATER fotos by stephane sednaoui

Early morning i went to the Jarvis Center to register as a volunteer. But quickly i realize it was best for me to go downtown my own way, avoiding all the check points. I finally reached ground zero at sunset. This is the first image I took. I was first assigned to remove water on […]

September 10, 2001

September 10, 2001 was a stormy day. My Thai dok-toi called for money. I had none. That night Michael Jackson performed his second 30th anniversary concert in New York. I went to sleep sober.

Unlucky Someone

This evening a biker ran a light at West Broadway and Houston. He didn’t make it to the other side in this life. Drive safe, bikers. The first Kawasaki Ninja came to America in 1986. We called them ‘widowmakers’. They were too much speed for a man. Same as this Unlucky Someone.