Category Archives: New England

Laying On A Suburban Lawn – New England

Noon West of Boston and 128 Mid-March Noon Lying on my sister Pam’s sloping lawn Under the Winter sun The grass awaiting the Spring to green__ Beyond the lawn A steep descent into a gully An Eastern pine rises from below My eyeball estimate Over a hundred feet in the air Over two hundred years […]

A Bus To Boston

March 9 Daylights Saving ends Two weeks short of the equinox Yesterday sunrise at 6 Today 7 The Flex Bus departure at 8 Pack my bag go taxi__ 7:41 The Bowery and Canal The old Fung Wah stop Departure on time Cross the East River I know this route well Chinatown to Chinatown 1962 to […]

NAKED TO THE COLD SEA by Peter Nolan Smith

In the early 70s Che and me stand on Nauset’s nude beach The two of us Hippies not yet punks___ A thick ledge of wet seaweed Covered the high tide mark. Off with our clothes We lay on the cool green algae Our bare bodies sinking beneath the sludge Comforted by the endless ocean The […]

End Of Summer – Truro – 2024

Sunrise over the Coast Guard Beach East on Truro The dawn bouncing off the Atlantic To fill the morning sky O’er Cape Cod Bay___ A couple stand on the porch. The last hours of vacation For AP and his loving wife and daughter___ The Audi packed With what is theirs Leaving behind nothing And leaving […]

The SS Showboat Mayflower Nantasket

From 2012 A fleet of side wheel steamers plied the waters of Boston harbor in the early part of the 20th Century. The flotilla was reduced to one by a fire in 1919. The Mayflower remained in service until 1948. After its decommission its new owner had the white-hulled ship hauled close to shore several […]