Category Archives: Nature

The Last Christmas Tree

After Thanksgiving Christmas trees crowd the sidewalks of New York. On the corner of Fulton and St. Felix Streets the holiday franchise has been run by Laurent and Amy, who have transported evergreens from the northern forest of Quebec for the last six seasons. We spoke in French with their accent a provincial Quebecois and […]

Deja Vu From Holyoke

Several years ago I visited Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts for the first time in decades. My sister, her husband, and daughter slowly inspected each and every painting, while I sought out Northeast classics such as Fitz Hugh Lane’s OWL’S HEAD, Winslow Homer’s THE FOG, and Childe Hassam’s BOSTON COMMONS AT SUNSET. I have admired […]


Every morning in 2010 I checked the weather for New York City. The forecast determined my attire for the diamond exchange, especially as the seasons of September seesawed between summer and autumn. The weather bureau predicted a temperature of 75 with rain later in the afternoon. I dressed in a lightweight suit. My umbrella was […]

Oklahoma Isn’t Kansas

Back in May 2013 Oklahoma City was devastated by a massive tornado whipping winds over the prairie at speeds greater than 200 mph. The BBC reported that a record-breaking tornado that struck in precisely the same region in 1999, during which the fastest winds ever seen on the Earth’s surface were recorded: over 500km/h (310mph). […]

Frozen Niagara

Obviously if they had filmed NIAGARA in the winter, Marilyn Monroe would have never gone over the falls with her murderous husband played by Joseph Cotton.