Category Archives: Nature

Sunrise at Sea

Beautiful Boat-Car Park for Pattaya

Pratumamk Hill offers residents and visitors to Pattaya a spectacular view of the crescent bay and any pedestrians along the Beach Road can admire the splendor of the navy park dipping unimpeded by development into the sea, however the Bali Hai pier is surrounded by hundreds of boats and diesel buses. The former leaking oil […]

Big Wave Thailand

The only two surfing spots on Thailand’s Eastern Seaboard are in Rayong. Hinsuay Namsay – Rayong has a natural left hand wave, which only rises from May to Sept. If you’re lucky, very lucky, it could get to 4-5 feet. Mostly it’s knee-height, but can be pleasant as the warm water is clean and the […]

Elephants Go Home

FROM THE BANGKOK POST Sampran, a five-year-old bull elephant from Khao Ang Rua Nai Wildlife Sanctuary, found himself with nowhere to go. He was chased away from his herd last year. However, he discovered the buffer zone of the wildlife sanctuary was paradise – he could feed on the crops grown by villagers there.   […]