Category Archives: Nature

Nature Imitating Porno

We Are More Doomed Than Before

World leaders are leaving Copenhagen. Five nations cobbled together a less-than-satisfactory proposal to combat global warming. China, Brazil, India, South Africa, and the USA hammered out an agreement as a first step toward reducing the danger of a fevered planet. Too little too late. That was the consensus opinion, however Alaskan presidential hopeful Sarah Palin […]

No More Oak Beach Inn

Oak Beach was a small marshland community at the end of the Jones Beach Causeway. Access to the tidewater island was strictly by boat. The houses were constructed during the 30s and 40s. Electricity was an option. Across the causeway was the Oak Beach Inn. A large clam shack serving the drunk drivers from everywhere […]

The Old Man in the Mountain

The Old Man of the Mountain was the symbol of New Hampshire. The profile of the granite cliffs on Cannon Mountain were emblazoned on the state’s license along with the motto ‘Live Free or Die’. Daniel Webster immortalized the stone face with the words. “Men hang out their signs indicative of their respective trades; shoe […]

Quote of the Day – A Woman’s Tongue

Fighting is essentially a masculine idea; a woman’s weapon is her tongue. Hermione Gingold This girl’s tongue should definitely be declared a hidden weapon. She can probably touch her forehead with that thing.